
Vietnam ensures equal rights between ethnic groups

March 21 marks the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, a day of global significance. In Vietnam, the commitment to equality among ethnic groups is enshrined in the Constitution and upheld by law, irrespective of majority or minority status, or level of development. Vietnam’s fundamental development goals include ensuring equal rights for all ethnicities.

Since its inception, Vietnam has maintained a steadfast stance on ethnic affairs, placing national unity at the forefront of its revolutionary efforts. Central to this approach is the promotion of equality, solidarity, and mutual support among all ethnicities, rejecting any form of discrimination.

Within the legal framework of Vietnam, regulations prioritize the elimination of racial discrimination, backed by the unwavering support of the Party and State. From the nation’s first Constitution in 1946, which emphasized equal rights for all citizens in political, economic, and cultural spheres, to the latest Constitution in 2013 affirming the unity of all ethnicities within Vietnam, the commitment to equality remains steadfast.

Furthermore, Vietnamese legal documents, policies, and national objectives systematically deploy measures to foster equal development opportunities for ethnic minority groups. This commitment to human rights is deeply ingrained in Vietnamese law and is actively implemented across various sectors by state agencies, political entities, social organizations, and the populace.

Vietnam’s dedication to combating racial discrimination is evident on the international stage as well, with its membership in key conventions aimed at preventing and punishing such injustices.

The tangible outcomes of Vietnam’s inclusive policies are apparent in the increased participation of ethnic minorities in the political arena and the substantial investments made in their economic and social development. Notably, the Vietnamese government allocates significant budgetary resources to support programs and projects benefiting ethnic minority communities, demonstrating a concrete commitment to their advancement.

Overall, Vietnam’s steadfast dedication to ethnic policies underscores its commitment to ensuring equal rights and opportunities for all its citizens, thereby preserving cultural identities and fostering inclusive development.