
Vietnam, Indonesia step up security cooperation

On May 20, General To Lam, Politburo member and Minister of Public Security, hosted a reception for Deputy Chief of the Indonesian National Police (INP), Commissioner General Agus Andrianto. The Indonesian official was in Vietnam to attend the third deputy ministerial-level security dialogue between the two nations.

General Lam highlighted the longstanding friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Indonesia, noting significant progress over the past 70 years, particularly since they elevated their relationship to a Strategic Partnership in 2013. He emphasized that security cooperation has been effectively implemented through various agreements, including an extradition agreement and a memorandum of understanding on anti-terrorism cooperation. These frameworks have facilitated enhanced information sharing on crime prevention and coordinated efforts to ensure the security and safety of citizens from both countries.

The cooperation extends within regional frameworks such as the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (AMMTC), the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Drug Matters (AMMD), and the ASEAN Chiefs of Police Conference (ASEANAPOL).

Minister Lam proposed further strengthening of ties through increased exchanges of high-ranking delegations and maintaining the annual deputy ministerial-level security dialogue between the MoPS and the INP. He stressed the need for effective implementation of existing cooperation documents and advocated for negotiations to sign an MoU on combating human trafficking.

He also called for regular information exchange, experience sharing, and close coordination to prevent any individual or organization from using either country’s territory for activities detrimental to the other’s security and order.

Commissioner General Andrianto expressed the INP’s and Indonesian authorities’ commitment to deepening cooperation with the MoPS, aiming to fortify the Strategic Partnership between the two nations. He hoped for further consolidation and development of the relationship for the peace, stability, and prosperity of both countries’ people.

Earlier that day, Senior Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang, Deputy Minister of Public Security, and Commissioner General Andrianto co-chaired the third security dialogue. The discussions reviewed the outcomes of their cooperative efforts since the second dialogue, addressing issues such as drug crime prevention, human trafficking, terrorism, cyber security, and training Vietnamese officers for UN peacekeeping missions. They outlined future cooperation directions on these and other mutual concerns.